All Work and No Play…

Day 70: Thursday, October 8, 2009

To make up for our frivolity in Venice, we worked all day long on our studies. Dannie had to take John into Rome for his monthly allergy shots. I stayed back with Tori and James and played both teacher and housewife. I cleaned the house and processed three loads of laundry for the family.

The only highlight of the day was when I taught James and Tori how to make baked potatoes. We salted the skins, wrapped them in foil, chopped the chives, and grated the cheese. They actually turned out great, and the kids loved them (despite the fact that our oven was on the fritz). Fortunately, James and Tori are developing a growing interest in cooking! I told them that I fully intend to return to Dallas and really start cooking from scratch. James wants me to grow an herb garden, so that he can harvest the herbs fresh and help me prepare dinners.

The children are so sweet! They know how desperately I want to buy my first home when I come back to Dallas, so every time I see something here that I like, they remind me to include it in my home. James has already promised to help me keep up with my yard work! Every day new fruits, vegetables, and flowers are added to the grand design (some added by me, and some added by Tori, James, and John). I do fully intend to take them up on their offers, and I am getting more and more anxious to find and buy my own little slice of Heaven on Earth!

Published in: on October 13, 2009 at 11:33 am  Leave a Comment  

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