A Joker and a Game of Poker!

Day 73: Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oops! We all overslept! Dan called us at 8:55 in the morning to tell us that Mass was going to start at 9:00 on Deck 4! I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, and threw on some clothes. I didn’t even have time to wash my face, let alone put on an ounce of make-up! Aghh! You know me and my make-up – you’ll never see me without it, and yet, it was out of my hands for now! Tori and I raced up the stairs and found the theater in which the Mass was being held.

It was the single strangest Mass that I have ever attended! First of all, it was in a small movie theater of sorts, complete with lights running lights along the floors and ceilings! We were a bit late, and although the gospel was being read, everyone was seated in comfy lounge chairs. Okay. Interesting – and very different. But then… the priest began his thirty minute homily, or should I say comedy act. No, really. He grabbed a chair and started telling jokes and stories for a full half an hour. He remained seated for the entire Mass, except for when he distributed communion. He was the most flippant, casual priest that I have ever encountered. The Mass was almost unrecognizable due to his constant commenting and changing of the standard prayers. By the end, I was furious! Tori was gravely disappointed as well and made the comment that she felt that the Mass was terribly disrespectful and felt more like a Las Vegas show. I was thankful that we were both on the same page.

After Mass and breakfast, and because we were going to be at sea all day and night, the children and I worked on our studies for the entire day! It was exhausting and difficult. We were all very much aware of all the fun that we could be having! Finally, Dan came and got us and told us that we had fifteen minutes to get ready for our formal dinner. Of course, none of us had anything along the lines of formalwear, but we made riches out of our rags. I loaned Tori the only dress I had, and she looked smashing! Over all, I would say that we were able to pull it off, although everyone else was dressed to the nines, and it made for a stunning display to see.

Immediately after dinner, I changed into my usual traveling rags and headed for the casino. I simply had to know if they offered Texas Hold’em. I have been going through withdrawals ever since I have left Dallas and my beloved Wednesday night game! Sure enough, they offer two Texas Hold’em tables that are electronically dealt. I had never played like this before, but a nice man from Atlanta showed me the ropes. The game is not played against the house, but among the other players that show up. The house wins every time by taking a ten percent cut of every winning hand! That’s pretty steep, but not steep enough to keep me away! Initially, it was only I and two other players (Divan – the man from Atlanta, and Chris, a lady from England), so the 1-2 blinds were draining my funds quickly! By the end of two hours time, I was $28.60 ahead, so I cashed out, returned to my room, and fell asleep with a “winning” smile on my face. I couldn’t wait to hit the tables again!

Published in: on October 13, 2009 at 11:47 am  Leave a Comment  

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