Under the Tuscan Sun

The view from the back of the villa

The view from the back of the villa

The pool of our villa

The pool of our villa

The front of our villa in Arezzo, Tuscany

The front of our villa in Arezzo, Tuscany

The second story patio

The second story patio

A view found on my hike

A view found on my hike

Day 63: Thursday, October 1, 2009

After studies, the children and Dan walked to a local vineyard and helped harvest the grapes for about three hours. Although that is something that I would normally do in a heartbeat, my overwhelming inclination was to just stay home and enjoy the darkness of my room for a little while. When they returned, I went for a walk by myself. I found a little path and simply enjoyed every view that each subsequent step afforded me. Tuscany is blissfully beautiful. There are so many different kinds of foliage that I have never seen before and wildflowers whose bonny faces I do not yet know. I walked the same path several times, trying to decide which vantage point was best, but it was all to no avail. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I beheld, and beheld, and beheld. I was envious of those who live here, those who live in peace, serenity, solitude, and who are steeped in beauty. What a gift. What a grace. What a God-send. I shall be grateful for the time that is mine.

Published in: on October 5, 2009 at 2:12 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Your journies continue to enthrall me… I’m so glad you had time with Kiron in Rome, met some lovely nuns and a stranger and now have some peace and quiet.

    Missing you,


  2. I want to go take a nap there, tough life…

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